Friday 4 May 2012

No Guest? Just Do It!

You'll have to excuse my lack of writing my blogs on all the fantastic shows I've hosted so far. But as they say 'better late than never.'

I'll be publishing a backdated bunch of blogs, highlighting some of the shows I have broadcasted, to bring you up to date. This is to give you a bit of an insight into my thoughts on the shows.

This will not be a list of my 'favourites' because I kid you not, every show has been a blast and I love connecting with all my guests! You'll probably hear the excitement and keenness in my voice when you listen-in! And just in case you've been a guest on my show and are reading this - I thank you once again. All my guests have been truly accommodating in offering and agreeing  to appear on the show.

Since it's launch in November 2011 the show has steadily grown. From it's small beginnings, it now attracts over 2,500 downloads - not bad for a fortnightly broadcast, eh? I thank all my followers, new and old, for your ongoing support and applaud you for getting on board this fast increasing social platform of internet radio. The shows are 'evergreen' as they lodge on sites such as iTunes, BlogTalkRadio and my own website. Here's to more great guests and their stories.

I like to have fun in whatever I do and the show is a great medium for me to express myself. Hence, I introduced a quiz called 'BrainDrain', which I pose for my guests, to test them on their knowledge  of the human brain/mind and body. Unfortunately, not all my guests are as great with the quiz than they are in their given sport ;-) Why not pit your wits against the BrainDrain?

No Guest? Just Do It!

I meant to start broadcasting the show a long time ago but never got round to it, due to timing (and procrastination). A few years ago, I had actually appeared as a guest speaker on a BlogTalkRadio show, hosted by the mother of Tasha Danvers - British Olympic bronze medallist and it was this that gave me the fever for broadcasting.

The killer of time, procrastination, still prevented me from taking the leap. However, I do like a challenge, so I had to set myself one to get things rolling. So, in October 2011 I scheduled my first show to broadcast on 13th November. Great! The only problem was that I had no guest! And that was my challenge - to secure a guest for my opening show, within five weeks. Like I said, I love challenges, especially those that involve strength of mind. I look back now and laugh but the opening show didn't quite go according to plan.

In my next blog: "The Opening Show...On Ice!" Coming soon...very fact probably tomorrow!

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